Trainee Information

MCVD Laboratory:

ALES & Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (AFNS) Department:

  • Database for Graduate Student Positions  
  • Mandatory Lab Training for new graduate students in AFNS.  This course has been designed to ensure that all graduate students have the basic competencies for doing laboratory work, including the following:  Click Here

Human Diabetes Institute (ADI) & Human Nutrition Research Unit (HNRU):

The Group on the Molecular & Cell Biology of Lipids (MCBL):

  • Mission: To enhance knowledge of lipid metabolism. To facilitate the translation of discoveries into diagnosis/treatment of human disease. To train high caliber researchers and expose trainees to the best in biomedical research. To provide an environment that will enhance the scholarly and scientific endeavours of all scientists.
  • MCBL 

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry’s Core Im
aging Facility:

University of Alberta: